KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Effectiveness of Progressive Relaxation Therapy among Clients with Risk of Violence Behavior in Indonesia

Published date: Oct 09 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Technology (ICHT 2019)

Pages: 342–348

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i13.5264


Vita Lucya -

Wini Hadiyani

Lia Juniarni


Objective: Clients diagnosed with risk of violent behavior might affect the surrounding environment. A therapy is necessary to control the behavior and reduce clients aggression.Progressive muscle relaxation is one of therapy aims to reduce tension and anxiety by relaxing the muscles of the body with rhythmrelaxation exercises of muscle from head to toe. (a) The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of progressive relaxation therapy in decreasing signs and symptom of aggression among clients with risk of violent behavior.

Method: A quasi-experimental study was used with pre and post-test one group design. The samples used were 16 respondents and resulted in 50% of patients had red face signs and sharp eyes before the intervention.

Results: research results shows that (b). P value 0,017 was obtained showing the influence of progressive relaxation therapy on clients with risk of violent behavior Conclusion: It was concluded that progressive relaxation can be recommended for healthcare providers as on strategy action in managing client with violent behavioror risk of violent behavior, especially to control anger and aggression. This therapy could be suggested as one of patients’ preparation for discharge from hospital.


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