KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Sleep Quality of Second Trimester Pregnant Women
Published date: Oct 09 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Technology (ICHT 2019)
Pages: 284–290
Background: Most women experience sleep problem during pregnancy. Poor sleep can adversely affect health, also impacts critically toward the mother as well as the fetus.Accordingtothepreviousstudies,most of the results state that the sleep problem increases along with the gestational age. Yet, there search which focuses on sleep quality in the second trimester of pregnancy is limited.
Objectives: The purpose of studyistodescribesleepqualityofsecondtrimesterpregnantwomenintheSemarang City.
Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted in 4 Public Health Centers of Semarang City with purposive sampling in mothers with 20-24 weeks of pregnancy. Number of respondents is 73 pregnant women. Inclusion criteria are pregnant women with 20-24 week of pregnancy, live together with husband, don’t have any chronic illness. The instrument backed up using Sleep Condition Indicator (SCI). Results was divided into 4 criteria namely severe sleep problems, some sleep problems, good shape sleep and great shape sleep. Data analysis was using a computer program.
Results:The result of the study shows that those 73 pregnant women are grouped into several categories, most of them are senior high school (64,38%), second pregnancy (37.8%), Islamic religion (98.63%), household care work (71,23%) and early adulthood (63,01%). Furthermore, it shows that most of pregnant women have a good shape sleep (52,05%), while the pregnant women who have some sleep problem are 16,44%.
Conclusion: Although the result shows that the percentage of pregnant women who has sleep problem is not as high as the ones who do not, this should not be taken for granted since this problem will influence both the mother’s and the fetus’ health conditions.For further research, it is needed to find the causes of poor sleep quality on pregnant women to solve this problem and to prevent disease which is caused by it.
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