KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Relationship between Sexual Violence with Self Efficacy among Female Adolescent at Junior High School in Tasikmalaya City
Published date: Oct 09 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Technology (ICHT 2019)
Pages: 233–238
Background: Sexual violence is one of the health issues in the world. The most important impact of sexual violence on adolescent girls is pregnancy, which subsequently victims experience stress, depression, attempts to abort their pregnancy and even suicide attempts.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between the sexual violence with Self Efficacy among female adolescent at Junior High School in Tasikmalaya City.
Method: The study was an analytical method with a cross-sectional approach.ThepopulationwasallfemalestudentsofJuniorHighSchool in Tasikmalaya City. The sampling technique used quota sampling. The study was conducted in 2019 to recruited 100 respondents Data analysis was using chi-square to find out the relationship between two variables.
Results: The results showed a significantrelationshipbetweensexualviolence with self-efficacy s with p value0.005 and odds ratio was 16.
Conclusion: The conclusion is history of sexual violence in the form of sexual intercourse had 16 times the chance to have lower self-efficacy, as well as students who had experienced touches of intimate organs such as mouth, breasts and genitals tend to have lower self-efficacy 9 times compared to those who did not experience it. The finding could be recommended to conduct training to improve self-efficacysothatviolenceagainststudentsgettinglowevendoesnotoccuranymore.
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