KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Perception of Weight changes among People with Depression SymptoCities in Indonesia
Published date: Oct 09 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Technology (ICHT 2019)
Pages: 70–80
Background: Obesity is a growing problem so obesity is a threat to health, especially in a developing country like Indonesia. Obesity is a caused for death and burden of disease-causingvariousdiseases.Thisstudylookedatthecorrelationbetweenmental disorders associated with eating disorders or perceptions of changes in respondents’ weight toward depressive disorders. The perception to the body weight is one of the factors that are often found in symptoms of mental disorders.
Objectives: This research aim to understand the individuals’ obesity condition picture of patients based on their characteristics.
Methods: In this study individuals with depressive symptoms were established using MINI instruments through interviews using the ICD-10 Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Version mental health instrument conducted in October–November 2017 by nursing diploma enumerators who were trained by psychiatrists. The perception of the state of body weight obtained from sampling was carried out by stratified random sampling. This study is a further analysis of data on mentalhealthresearchconductedin3districts/citiesinIndonesia,namelyinthecityof Bogor,JombangandTojouna-Unadistrictsusingcrosssectionalmethod.Theresearch samplesanalyzedwereindividualswhoexperiencedsymptomsofdepression
Results: From the 262 respondents who experienced a history of symptoms of depressive disorders, appetite disorders/changes in body weight experienced by majority of the respondents,amountingto66.0%.Asignificantrelationbetweengenderandownership economy level with the appetite disorder/body weight changes. Where women on lower economy level suffered from depression were highly probable risking appetite disorder/body weight changes experience.
Conclusion: A majority of people with the depression symptoms history has the symptom of lack of appetite or the feel of the weight change. The symptom of lack of appetite/weight change happened to woman with depression and low income respondents.
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