KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
The Impact of Applying Health Package towards the Understanding and the Ability of Dealing with Menopause in Bekasi
Published date: Oct 09 2019
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: The 2019 International Conference on Healthcare and Technology (ICHT 2019)
Pages: 23–33
Background: Menopause is a condition which a woman has no longer experiences of menstruation that occurs in the range age from 50 to 59 years. Nowadays, menopausal women will experience changes in physical and sexual health that will affect their psychological health. Objectives: The purpose of research by providing Health Packages can improve the Understanding and Ability to Overcome Menopause Problems in Bekasi City.
Methods: This study used a quasi experimental pre-post test with control group design. The sample was 132 respondents for one group using purposive sampling technique.With inclusion criteria:menopausalwomen ,abletoread and write, still have a partner (husband), no serious illness complications, were willing tobe respondents,were presentat the time ofthe study.The resultsof the study were analyzed using a median on univariate, paired sample t-test and t-independent test on bivariate.
Results: The results showed there were differences before and after the health package intervention was given with an average of understanding and ability to overcome physical problems of -0.239, sexual -0.368, psychology -0.237 with p value 0.00 while in the control group it was averaged on understanding and ability to overcome physical problems -0.030 p value 0.218, sexual – 0.033 p value 0.123, and psychology -0.023 p value 0.426.
Conclusions: From this study it could be concluded that after giving a health package to the intervention group and the control group that was not given a health package the same increased, but in the control group the increase occurred only in the sexual problem section only because this was due to the information received based on previous experience and also the information obtained by respondents is not in full so that there is some decline in the value of understandingandabilityofrespondents.healthpackageinterventionscanbeusedas astandardprocedureinimprovingthequalityofindependentnursingcareservicesfor menopausal women and for further researchers could use as a reference in exploring research on menopause by conducting qualitative research.
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