KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Wasting Prevention in under Five-Years-Old Children with Exclusive Breastfeeding

Published date: Mar 25 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 1st International Conference on Health, Technology and Life Sciences (ICO-HELICS)

Pages: 169–176

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i12.4171


Globally, the prevalence of wasting is still very high, and it poses a serious public health problem. The prevalence of wasting in the world is reported to reach 7.7% or 52 million children under five-years-old. Wasting is a condition in which a child has a lower body weight than his height; in other words, if the child’s weight is in the Z score <-2 SD, then the child is wasting. Wasting is an acute nutritional problem. Wasting children are vulnerable to diseases. This paper examines evidence demonstrating the effect of exclusive breastfeeding to prevent the incidence of wasting in children aged five years old or younger. Exclusive breastfeeding defines as giving only breastmilk to infants from birth to 6 months of age without adding or replacing it with other foods or beverages. These study found that exclusive breastfeeding should be applied as an effort to prevent the incidence of wasting in under five-years-old children.

Keywords: wasting, exclusive breastfeeding, malnutrition, children


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