KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Selecting Postharvest Technology Method for Citrus Fruit using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Published date: Jan 01 2016
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International conference on Agro-industry (ICoA) 2015
Pages: 77-82
Ehime Prefecture is one of the main citrus fruit producing regions in Japan. As many as 20 major citrus varieties are cultivated in Ehime annually. The harvest of citrus fruit in a large scale has brought the consequences in the postharvest deterioration. It could be caused by many factors, including metabolic changes, (biochemical changes associated with respiratory metabolism, ethylene biosynthesis and action, and compositional changes), growth and development (anatomical and morphological changes), physical injuries, water loss, physiological disorders, and pathological To reduce these losses, it is suggested to apply proper handling methods or postharvest technologies that delay senescence and maintain the best possible quality. There are some handling methods or postharvest technologies that can be used to maintain the quality of citrus fruit, such as: modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), controlled atmosphere storage (CAS), coatings, hot water treatment, and etc. In this paper, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to select the best postharvest method for preserving citrus fruit in Ehime. The ability of the AHP to provide selection of the postharvest technology with process flexibility like criteria selection, technology selection and criteria weightages allows its use by students, researchers, entrepreneurs, technology facilitators, policy makers, etc.
Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process, postharvest, citrus.
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