KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Relations Characteristic of Workers and Personality Type with Unsafe Action on Stevedore at Container Terminal X

Published date: Mar 07 2019

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 2nd International Meeting of Public Health 2016 (IMOPH) – Part II

Pages: 289–294

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v4i10.3798


A K Pratama -

Muhamad Lazuardi P K


The port activity in Indonesia is directly proportional to the increased risk of the accident in port. Loading and unloading activity in port was dominated by human labor. Some studies showed that the human factor had a significant contribution to the accident through unsafe actions in working. The risky activity was influenced by an intrinsic factor such as characteristic of workers and personality type. This research aimed to know which element in the characteristics of workers and personality type (introverted and extrovert) that tended to be unsafe action. This research used observational analytic research with a cross-sectional study with total sample of 60 people (stevedores). The data used was primary and secondary data through field observation and the interview. Data analysis technique in this research was the use of cross-tabulating. To see the relation between variables used spearman test correlation for the characteristics of workers, and a chi-square test for personality type, the data was processed by SPSS applications. The results showed that characteristic workers and personality type and unsafe action were a relatively weak, but there was one a variable that had relations strong enough, namely variable knowledge by a correlation coefficient of (0.417). It needs evaluation for terminal container X to reduce the risk of the accident caused by unsafe actions.

Keywords: Unsafe actions; characteristic of workers; personality type; stevedore; loading and unloading


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