KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Effect of Exposure of Toluene to Eyes and Skin on Footwear-factory Workers in Bogor, West Java
Published date: Jun 19 2018
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Conference of Occupational Health and Safety (ICOHS 2017)
Pages: 445–450
Workers in footwear factories use adhesives that contain toluene. Toluene is one of aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, insoluble in water, but toluene can dissolve other substances. In this case, this research is to know toluene concentrations in the workplace, symptoms of eyes and skin irritation, to determine the relationship
between toluene concentrations in the workplace and eye and skin irritation. The design of this research is cross-sectional in footwear factory in Ciomas, Bogor, West Java on August till September 2017. The variables are toluene concentrations in the workplace, symptoms of eyes and skin irritation. With the amount of 40 respondents, the data is collected by questionnaire and measurement. Air samples were collected
at nine points to measure toluene concentrations in the workplace and analyzed with Gas Chromatography (GC). Data are analyzed in univariat and bivariat with 95%CI (α = 0.05). The result of analysis showed that the average toluene level in workplace is 0.9628 ppm, with a range of 0.00238–6.02806 ppm. Workers who experienced eyes irritation were 35 percent with 25 percent red eyes complaints, 27.5 percent watery
eyes, 32.5percent a foreign body sensation, 32.5 percent sore eyes, and 5 percent with eyes feeling hot. Workers who has got a skin irritation were 30 percent with 15 percent skin redness, 35 percent itchy skin, 27.5 percent dry skin, 7.5 percent cracked skin, and 5% dermatitis. There was no relation between concentration toluene in
the workplace and eye irritation complaints with p-value 0.188. Also, there was no relation between concentration toluene in the workplace and skin irritation with p-value 0.284. We hope workers use personal protective equipment such as masks and eye protection when working so as to be not exposed to toluene at workplace.
Keywords: toluene, eyes irritation, skin irritation, footwear factory
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