KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Implementation of Performance Shaping Factor (PSF)-based Risk Assessment and Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART) at the ITB Student Dormitory Building C and D Construction Project
Published date: Jun 19 2018
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: International Conference of Occupational Health and Safety (ICOHS 2017)
Pages: 414–423
Construction sector is one of the main pillars in the economic development of the world, including Indonesia. However, the number of occupational accidents in the construction sector is still relatively high until now. 60 to 70 percent of occupational accidents in many employment sectors are caused by human errors. Therefore, the
analysis of human error is important to be implemented. The objectives of this study were to know the stages/ types of work in the project with the greatest risk, to know the type of occupational accident with the highest HEP (human error probability), to know the main cause of human error occurred, as well as to know the implementation of health and safety in the project based on human error analysis performed. The methods used in this research were PSF (performance shaping factor)-based risk assessment and HEART (human error assessment and reduction technique). The research tools used for the primary data collection were interview and observation. Secondary data needed were occupational accidents data and work procedures from
the project health and safety supervisor. Based on the PSF-based risk assessment method, it was known that the type of work with the highest risk occurred in the iron reinforcement welding to steel columns or beams (from columns and beams work and concrete canopy work), with the risk value of 24 (of 24), which resulted from fall from height hazard. While the HEART method showed that the fall from height accident had the highest HEP value (4.75) among any other accidents. The main cause of the human error occurred in the project was the absence of complete written procedures for workers. Based on the analysis performed, it could be known that the company needed to improve the implementation of health and safety in the project, which could be done systematically, started from the employers, safety supervisor, and workers.
Keywords: construction, human error, PSF-based risk assessment, HEART method
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