KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.


Published date: Sep 20 2015

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Biological Sciences (ICBS-2013)

Pages: 451-457

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v2i1.191


Susintowati . -

Suwarno Hadisusanto


The bioaccumulation of mercury in the areas of Lampon traditional gold mining still be traced, although the mining activity was stopped. This research traces mercury bioaccumulation in macrobenthos at Lampon areas. The bioindicators were used the representatives macrobenthos based on the trophic levels, feeding behavior and niches. Mercury were analized by SNI 06-6992.2-2004 with modified at LPPT UGM Yogyakarta.The results shows different accumulation of mercury in specimens based on feeding behavior and niches. Non-sessile benthos accumulate higher than the sessile. Benthic filter feeders in free colony will accumulate mercury higher than benthic filter feeders in massive sessile colony. Filter feeders in massive sessile colony was detected lower than solitary herbivores. If the benthic herbivores attached hardly at the rocks, they could detected in high consentration because their niche and behavior to go in the water rarely . Niches affect ability of macrobenthos to accumulate mercury, although in the same tropic levels and feeding behavior.

Keywords: mercury bioaccumulation, macrobenthos, trophic level, feeding behavior, niches


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