KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.


Published date: Sep 20 2015

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: International Conference on Biological Sciences (ICBS-2013)

Pages: 301-305

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v2i1.163


Herdhanu Jayanto -

Budi Setiadi Daryono


Poaching, trafficking, and illegal product trading are classic activities which frequently faced by Crocodilian group. To overcome, laws need supporting methods for a decision of these all activities which threaten crocodile species. This will require species identification that associated to taxonomy classification. Crocodilian species are very similar in morphology. This may result to a false identification especially when working on incomplete specimen. Currently, twenty-four existing Crocodilian species are continuously revised to improve the precise placement and/or acceptance of certain species on Crocodilian classification. Herein we address this issue using Cytochrome-b. The idea was to obtain genus specific primer from Cytochrome-b and then tested the precision of the designed primers using bioinformatics tools’ Primer-BLAST and CLC sequence Viewer 6. The designed primers showed a highly specificity on species level. The phylogenetic tree constructed by is relatively precise compared to reported phylogenetic trees. These specific primers together with the genus specific primers may give valuable and important support for the effective and efficient identification of Crocodilian group.

Keywords: Crocodilian, illegal trading, Cytochrome-b , specific primer, bioinformatic


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