KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Typhoid Pediatric Inpatient Clinical Symptoms, Laboratory and Antibiotic Treatment
Published date: Dec 27 2022
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: Science and Technology Research Symposium (SIRES)
Pages: 290–296
Clinical features of typhoid fever vary from mild to severe. Laboratory examination for typhoid fever in Indonesia still uses the Widal test as a diagnostic tool. In 1992, isolates of S.typhi showed resistance to fluoroquinolones, with the first case reported in the United Kingdom. Similar cases were reported from several other countries, including India. This study aimed to describe the clinical symptoms, laboratory and antibiotics used for children with typhoid hospitalized at Hospital ‘X’ in West Java from January to March 2017. This research was a descriptive retrospective, using a cross-sectional design with a total sample of 127 respondents. The study was conducted from January to March 2018. Patients suffering from typhoid were hospitalized at Hospital ‘X’, West Java, were 37% aged between 5-9 years old with 51.18% males and those whose length of stay was for 3 days was 29.13%. Widal Titer O positive examination was 13.91% and positive H Titer was 45.21%, positive tubex 93.75%, 26.77% leukopenia, 48.81% with Hb value <11.5, the patient had a fever of 99.21%, 85.03% was given ceftriaxone. Clinical symptoms that are often experienced by children with typhoid typhoid is fever and the antibiotics that are often given are ceftriaxone.
Keywords: typhoid fever, widal titer, resistance
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