KnE Life Sciences

ISSN: 2413-0877

The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.

Productivity of Hamil Cultivar (Panicum maximum cv Hamil) in Dry Acid Soil

Published date: Sep 13 2022

Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences

Issue title: The 3rd International Conference on Advance & Scientific Innovation (ICASI) – Life Sciences Chapter

Pages: 368–375

DOI: 10.18502/kls.v0i0.11820


A Fanindiafanindi@gmail.comIndonesian Research Institut of Animal Production, Jalan Veteran III, Ciawi Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

Harmini .Indonesian Research Institut of Animal Production, Jalan Veteran III, Ciawi Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

Sajimin .Indonesian Research Institut of Animal Production, Jalan Veteran III, Ciawi Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

E SutediIndonesian Research Institut of Animal Production, Jalan Veteran III, Ciawi Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

I HerdiawanIndonesian Research Institut of Animal Production, Jalan Veteran III, Ciawi Bogor, West Java, Indonesia


The limiting factor in acid dry land is root poisoning by Al3+. Hamill cultivar (Panicum maximum cv Hamil) is a plant that is commonly used by farmer, where the production of the dry matter is not much different from elephant grass. This study aimed to evaluate the productivity of hamil cultivars on acid soil. The research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Research Institute of Animal Production in Ciawi. The research used a completely randomized design with 10 replications, the treatment included 2 types of soil: acid soil (pH 4.5 Al3+ 2.7 cmol kg−1) and non-acid soil (pH 7, Al3+ + 2.7cmol kg−1). Plants were planted using pols in pots measuring 40 cm x 30 cm. The variables observed were morphological characters, generative phase, forage production and seed production. The results showed that almost all morphological characters on acid soils were lower (P <0.05). The fresh and dry weight of forage at the first and second harvests in non-acid soils was 50% higher (P <0.05). The booting and flowering age was faster (P <0.05) in non-acid. Seed production on non-acid soils was higher (P <0.05). The reduced productivity of the Hamill necessitated a solution that is tolerant of acid dry land.

Keywords: Hamil cultivar, acid soil, seed production


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