KnE Life Sciences
ISSN: 2413-0877
The latest conference proceedings on life sciences, medicine and pharmacology.
Adding of L-Arginin Amino Acidin Skim Milk Diluent to Maintain Quality of Buck Sperm in Cold Temperature
Published date: Dec 03 2017
Journal Title: KnE Life Sciences
Issue title: The Veterinary Medicine International Conference (VMIC)
Pages: 189-196
Nowdays, the storage of buck semen in cold temperature have not satisfied yet because in buck’s seminal plasma contains phospholipase enzyme which can coagulated egg yolk in diluents.The specific aim of this study was to investigate the benefits of L-Arginin amino acid in skim diluents to quality buck’s spermatozoa on cold temperature. This researchutilized four treatment groups, namely Controlled group (P0): skim milk diluent without L-Arginin + buck’s semen; P1: skim milk diluents + L-Arginin 0,002M/ml + buck” semen; P2: skim milk diluents + L-Arginin 0,004 M/ml + buck’s semen and P3: skim milk diluents + L-Arginin 0,006 M/ml + buck’s semen. Then the samples stored in cold temperature (5oC). The result showed that sperm motility, viability and membrane integrity were significantly different (p<0,05) among the treatments.The conclusion of this study is adding of L-Arginin Amino Acid in skim milk diluents maintain motility, viability and membrane integrity buck’s sperm.
Keywords: L-Arginin, buck, cold temperature, motility, viability and membrane integrity
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