KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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An Experimental Analysis of the Electrical Parameter Variation of a Photovoltaic Module

Published date: Jun 02 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: International Congress on Engineering — Engineering for Evolution

Pages: 820–832

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i6.7102


Hugo Nuneshugo.nunes@ubi.ptInstituto de Telecomunicações and Universidade da Beira Interior

Maria Do Rosário CaladoInstituto de Telecomunicações and Universidade da Beira Interior

Sílvio MarianoInstituto de Telecomunicações and Universidade da Beira Interior

José PomboUniversidade da Beira Interior


Photovoltaic (PV) energy has been asserting itself in recent years as a true alternative for the electricity production in the future. It is well known that the accuracy of PV parameters is crucial to achieving optimal control of PV systems under any operating conditions. Although many attempts have been made to study the operating ranges of PV parameters, this remains a  current research topic given the diversity of  PV technologies. In this paper, the PV parameters variation with irradiance and temperature levels is experimentally analysed for a polycrystalline (poly-Si) silicon PV module. The experiment considers experimental data from 130 I-V characteristic curves measured over a typical day, considering several irradiance and temperature levels in the range 29–1023 W/m2 and 19–68 °C, respectively. The results show that PV parameters vary considerably with irradiance and temperature levels for poly-Si technology.

Keywords: Photovoltaic module, Photovoltaic parameters, Singe-diode model, Irradiance and temperature influence


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