KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
3D Unsteady RANS Computation of the Mixing on a T-junction
Published date: Jun 02 2020
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: International Congress on Engineering — Engineering for Evolution
Pages: 539–546
Turbulent mixing is a very common phenomenon in industrial processes. It is well know that the turbulence model has a massive impact on the accuracy of a turbulent flow, principally when it is used in processes of turbulent mixing. For this reason, this paper aims to investigate the impact of two specific turbulence models on calculating a mixture of gas-gas, using a 3D T- junction geometry. The differences between the calculation with two RANS based model, the kw-SST and SAS are investigated here. A mixture of Air and N2 is performed. The sensibility of the refinement of the mesh of calculation is assessed to calculate the discretization error. A comparison of results obtained with the distinct models of turbulence is made with available experimental data. In this comparison it is showed that the SAS model, due to its capability of capturing some vortexes that SST couldn’t, offers a better accuracy, with an error maximum bellow the 7%, in comparison to the experimental data.
Keywords: T-juntion, Turbulent mixing, RANS, CFD
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