KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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The Influence of the Nature of Different Sands on the Rheological and Mechanical Behavior of Self-compacting Concretes

Published date: Jun 02 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: International Congress on Engineering — Engineering for Evolution

Pages: 368–379

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i6.7054


Baali Laid -

Larbi B Belagraa

Zeghichi Leila

Benhamouda Abdelhakim


Self-compacting concretes represent a new advance for concrete construction because they offer many advantages from the economic, technical and social point of view. They are very fluid concretes, which are put in place without vibration. When pouring into a formwork, tightening a BAP is ensured by the simple effect of gravity. Thanks to their formulation, they offer exceptional flow characteristics and filling formwork while resisting perfectly segregation. Homogeneous and stable, they have resistances and durability similar to those of traditional concretes of which they are differentiated by their properties in the fresh state. The use of self-compacting concrete reduces the noise nuisance, as well as the hardness of the work. This research work is part of a policy of contributing to the improvement of the properties of self-compacting concretes prepared from local materials in the M’sila region. In this study, we are interested in obtaining the most suitable concrete formulation for the different local materials of the M’sila region. Our study is directed towards the effect of the following parameters on the physico-mechanical properties of the composite such as: dynamic segregation, spreading diameter as well as mechanical strengths (compression, traction). It is therefore a question of determining the criteria to be imposed on these parameters, in order to lead to the construction of a self-compacting concrete characterized by  an acceptable resistance. The experimental results of compressive strengths show significant behaviors between BAP and BV. They allowed to distinguish a resistance gain between 15.11 and 49.28, this gain is explained by a rehydration of the cement matrix due to the migration of the water through the pores for the BAP, but also to better binding properties of the hydrates forms.

Keywords: SCC, Rheological behavior, Mechanical resistance, Binder


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