KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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SHS (Simple Housing Solution) Methodology: Community (Re) Building in Critical Situations

Published date: Jun 02 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: International Congress on Engineering — Engineering for Evolution

Pages: 63–76

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i6.7022


Leandro Torres Di Gregorio -

Assed Naked Haddad

Daniel Aloysio Shigue- matsu Freitas Lima

Marina Costa Urquiza Tenório

Gustavo Vaz de Mello Guimarães


The SHS - Simple Housing Solution - methodology helps to facilitate the process of (re) construction in critical situations (post-disaster, post-conflict, refugee settlement, relocation of populations from risk areas, among others). It was conceived with the philosophy of gathering basic knowledge that can be useful in the (re) construction of housing units and basic collective equipment (such as schools, health clinics), in a joint effort (community working system), using low cost constructive technologies. The idea is to help communities that are victims of disasters and conflicts to better organize their own recovery, and provide help via the guidance and supervision of qualified technical assistants (engineers and / or architects) who can be hired by the local community, government or NGOs, for these purposes. This paper aims to present the Simple Housing Solution methodology and the main results of SHS Project, focusing on investigations related to the construction technology of partially reinforced masonry with soil-cement bricks. Currently, new research is being conducted to improve the existing model of residency for critical situations, seeking to broaden its working range. After the current phase is concluded, the next step will be the construction of a prototype house in natural scale, on a seismic platform, to study the effects of simulated seismic actions on the house. In order to achieve this task, financial support is sought from sponsors, as well as technical cooperation with LNEC - National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, in Portugal.

Keywords: Disaster recovery, housing recovery, conflict recovery, refugee settlements, risk management


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