KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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The Importance of the Directives Creation for the Evaluation of the Buildings Envelope Conditions in Condominium Regime Inserted in a Technical Management Model

Published date: May 03 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: STARTCON19 - International Doctorate Students Conference + Lab Workshop in Civil Engineering

Pages: 286–298

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i5.6954


Vitorino Nevesvitorino.neves@ubi.ptC-MADE - Centre of Materials and Building Technologies, University of Beira Interior - Faculty of Engineering, R. da Calçada Fonte Lameiro 10, 6200-358 Covilhã, Portugal

João LanzinhaC-MADE - Centre of Materials and Building Technologies, University of Beira Interior - Faculty of Engineering, R. da Calçada Fonte Lameiro 10, 6200-358 Covilhã, Portugal


Currently, the importance of the condominiums technical management and the organization of their annual budgets (with an enormous preponderance of the funds reserve) is not recognized in the decision-making process regarding the maintenance and rehabilitation actions of multi-family buildings. For this reason, it is of particular interest the development of models and technical tools, some that could help to list/report pathologies/anomalies as well as the correlation between the listed pathologies/anomalies and the building, and some others that may consolidate the technical legacy, in order to understand the importance of maintenance labor in the quality and durability of buildings. In this context, the article reflects, in its essence, a proposal for guidelines elaboration for the conditions assessment of the current multi-family buildings envelope in a condominium regime, carried out within the scope of a curricular unit and an ongoing PhD thesis project. The demonstration of the methodologies and tools developed for this evaluation, with the differentiation between a preliminary evaluation and a detailed evaluation, complemented by the brief presentation of a case study, is of particular importance in this work. The work also includes the reference of the importance of this study in the future development of the thesis, as well as the schematic demonstration of other complementary works for it.


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