KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.

Contributions for Conceptual Geohydraulic Model of the Underground Hydric Resources of Meda Municipality

Published date: May 03 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: STARTCON19 - International Doctorate Students Conference + Lab Workshop in Civil Engineering

Pages: 241–255

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i5.6947


Pedro Coelho Ferreirapedroferreirajc@gmail.comMunicípio de Meda, Largo do Município, 6430-197, PhD Student in Beira Interior University, Beira Interior University, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal

Luis Ferreira GomesBeira Interior University, 6201-001 Covilhã & GEOBIOTEC; Portugal

Alcino Sousa OliveiraTrás-os-Montes e Alto Douro University, Quinta de Prados, 5001-801 Vila Real, CGEO & CEMMPRE, Portugal


This paper presents contributions on underground hydric and geothermal resources of the Meda Municipality land. After a brief introduction about the importance of the theme, the Meda municipality’s administrative, geographic, geomorphological and geological frameworks are presented in a synthetic way. The main hydrogeological units of the municipality are presented below and, based on the water surpluses resulting from precipitation, the order of magnitude of the water reserves of those hydrogeological units is advanced. From a vast field survey of groundwater points on the various hydrogeological units, the results obtained from the expeditious physicalchemical parameters are presented, and based on them some waters were selected to carry out complete physical-chemical and some isotopes analyses. Based on all the results, the municipality was organised in three different major hydrogeological domains (Longroiva, Areola, and Graben), for which the conceptual geohydraulic model was developed. From the several results, it is emphasized in particular that in the various domains there are potential to explore special groundwater with characteristics not only for medical spa and aqua-ludic spaces, but also for the production of energy and even not only heat energy, with cascading uses, but also for the production of electricity from groundwater from 70 to 113∘C.


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