KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Analysis of the Implementation of the Standard Performance ABNT NBR 15.575/2013: A Case Study with Brazilian Constructors

Published date: May 03 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: STARTCON19 - International Doctorate Students Conference + Lab Workshop in Civil Engineering

Pages: 74–87

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i5.6921


Fernanda Silva Moreira -

Rafaela Fujita Lima

Luis Felipe Cândido

João Carlos Gonçalves Lanzinha


The development of studies about the housing constructions developments came from the need to ratify the effectiveness of the construction systems to the detriment of the low quality of the final product related to civil construction, which was unfolded in the creation of ABNT NBR 15,575 / 2013 - Housing Constructions - Performance. However, its implementation is still a point of discussion among several companies in this field, besides there is a gap between the requirements and established criteria and the adequacy of the constructive practices. Thus, the present work aims to analyse, through a multiple case study, the process of implementation of the Standard Performance in Brazilian construction companies, focusing on the main difficulties of implementation. For that, semi-structured interviews were carried out in 5 constructors, being possible to identify the implementation process adopted by each company and its main difficulties of adequacy to the norm. Thus, it was possible to verify that although the standard performance is required, the increase in costs resulting from this requirement has delayed its implementation, being the main difficulty of adequacy. In addition, it was observed that although the implementation process of the regulations is incipient, any effort in its direction represents an improvement in the quality of the civil construction and, consequently, in the durability and useful life of the buildings.


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