KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Development of Alkali-activated Foamed Lightweight Mortar Tungsten Mining Waste Mud-based Incorporating Expanded Cork
Published date: Apr 13 2020
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: REMINE International Conference on Valorization of Mining and Industrial Wastes into Construction Materials By Alkali-activation
Pages: 134–146
In this study, an Alkali-activation of tungsten mining waste mud (TMWM) was combined with aluminium powder (Al) as a blowing agent (gas foaming method). The synthesis of inorganic alkali-activated foamed mortar (AA-FM) and alkali-activated lightweight foamed mortar (AALW-FM) was achieved by incorporating expanded granulated cork (EGC) and one type of river sand < 2 mm. Al powder was added first to the dry mix with the mass used varying from 0.1 g to 0.5 g. Precursors and activators were included to produce a homogeneous mixture, which was placed into a mould (100x100x60 mm3), and cured in the oven at 60° C for 24 hours. The influence of two main parameters (Al powder contents and cork particles) on the AA-FM and AALW-FM properties (compressive strength, density, expansion volume and pore size distribution) were investigated. The compressive strength of the foams in the case of highly porous structures of the AALW-FM and AA-FM achieved 4.1MPa and 13.2MPa respectively, for samples with a larger amount of Al powder (0.5g). Open celled hardened of the AALW-FM and AA-FM with 0.5g Al shows a high porosity of 40% and 81% respectively. Therefore, tungsten mining waste-based alkali-activated foams shows potential as a thermal insulation material in certain situations.
Keywords: Tungsten mining waste, Alkali-activated, Foamed Materials
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