KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Development of the Strength of the Fluidized Bed Combustion Fly Ash Based Geopolymer in Time

Published date: Apr 13 2020

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: REMINE International Conference on Valorization of Mining and Industrial Wastes into Construction Materials By Alkali-activation

Pages: 12–24

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v5i4.6791


Natalia Paszek natalia.paszek@polsl.plSilesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Structural Engineering, Akademicka 5, Gliwice, Poland

Marcin Górskinatalia.paszek@polsl.plSilesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Structural Engineering, Akademicka 5, Gliwice, Poland


ThispaperpresentsastudyintothemechanicalbehaviourofFluidizedBedCombustion (FBC)fly ash-based geopolymer.FBCflyashisaby-product of a burning of a solid fuel (hard coal in case of this study) in a furnace at a low temperature. FBC fly ash is a type of a waste which is more difficult to recycle than pulverized fly ash.UsingFBCflyashin geopolymers offers one possible way to recycle it. The main goals of the investigation were to determine the influence of curing temperature and curing conditions on the strength of FBC fly ash-based geopolymer; to determine the changes of strength over time and the changes of the temperature inside the geopolymer during the curing process. Tests have shown that the strength of the geopolymer generally increases in line with the increase of a curing temperature. The compressive strength stabilizes after 5 days of curing and yet continues to gain extra strength over the longer term. Theflexuralbehaviourisnotmonotonicandthereforehardtopredict.The temperature inside the geopolymer rises rapidly until reaching around 27.5°C and then decreases steadily.

Keywords: geopolymer, Fluidized Bed Combustion Fly ash, temperature, strength


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