KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Potential Use of UAV-Based Mapping System to Accelerate the Production of Parcel Boundary Map in Indonesia
Published date: Dec 26 2019
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: The 1st International Conference on Geodesy, Geomatics, and Land Administration 2019
Pages: 238–246
Recently, the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs announces a decree to accelerate a completion of the registration of land parcels of cadaster maps up to a scale of 1:1000. It is known that the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based mapping system (UAV-Map) can produce orthophoto image with spatial resolution less than 10 cm, but it is not yet known whether UAV-Map implementation is able to identify boundary of land parcel in any condition. Therefore, this paper would analyze the planimetric accuracy that is conformed to the regulation of State Minister of Agrarian Affairs/Head of National Land Agency No.3, 1997 both for urban and rural areas. Two testing areas are established which located on urban area and rural area respectively. Flight missions are conducted using a fixed-wing aircraft equipped with a consumer grade camera and a navigational grade GPS-INS system. Orthophoto maps are produced by using Agisoft Photoscan software. Digitizing of parcel boundaries are followed both on an existing map and on the orthophoto maps. Deviations in areas are expressed in terms of the RMSE figures. Planimetric accuracies as indicated by the RMSE value are of 0,044 m for urban areas and 0,122 m for rural area. It is showed that all discrepancies of the parcels area are still below the recommended threshold values of the regulation. It is can be concluded that the orthophoto maps obtained by using a low cost UAV-Map system can be used to identify land parcels boundaries and to determine the parcel area.
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