KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Effect of Input Amplitude to Power Amplification in Various Orientation of Ring Resonator
Published date: Sep 05 2016
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Conference on Science and Engineering for Instrumentation, Environment and Renewable Energy
Photonic ring waveguide resonators have great potential applications in wavelength filtering, switching, modulation and multiplexing. The response of coupled ring resonators can be designed by using various coupling configurations. Particularly, ring resonators can be used as wavelength filter when the wavelength fits a whole multiple times in the circumference of the ring. In this paper, we investigate the effect of input amplitude to power amplification in four ring resonator configurations and vary the input amplitude on five different wavelengths. With OptiFDTD Photonics Simulation Software V8.0, the results show the intensity phenomenon of filtering in optical circuit.
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