KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
The Effect of Laser Wavelength on Sensitivity and Accuracy of the Evanescent-Based Blood Glucose Sensor
Published date: Apr 16 2019
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: International Conference on Basic Sciences and Its Applications (ICBSA-2018)
Pages: 215–222
We have developed bent fiber optic based sensors for non-invasive glucose level measurement. The developed sensor employs the attenuation of evanescent wave in the optical fiber due to its interaction with glucose molecules in urine samples. The attenuation is proportional to the concentration of the glucose molecules. We investigated dependence of the sensitivity and the accuracy of the sensor on the wavelength of diode laser source. Three diode lasers (i.e. red laser = 650 nm, green laser = 532 nm, and violet laser = 400 nm) were used for measurements. The attenuated light in the fiber optic was detected by a photodiode and then converted to electrical signal. The interaction of evanescent wave interaction with glucose molecules was enhanced by partial removing of fiber optic cladding. The length of cladding removal was varied between 1 cm and 4 cm while bending radius was kept constant at 3.5 cm. We found that the diode laser wavelength influences the sensitivity and the accuracy of blood glucose sensor significantly. The highest sensitivity of 0.9 mV/(mg/dL) is obtained for sensor using red laser with the length of cladding removal of 2 cm. The sensitivity of the sensor using green and violet laser are 0.78 mV/(mg/dL) and 0.72 mV/(mg/dL), respectively. The highest accuracy is obtained for sensor with green laser. The accuracy of sensor with red, green, and violet laser are respectively 96.9%, 85.5%, and 84.1%.The accuracy of the developed sensor fulfills the requirement to be used by diabetic patients.
Keywords: urine, blood glucose sensor, fiber optic, evanescent wave, sensitivity, accuracy
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