KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Optical Fiber Polymer Sensor System with TiO2-SiO2 Cladding for Measuring Humidity

Published date: Apr 16 2019

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: International Conference on Basic Sciences and Its Applications (ICBSA-2018)

Pages: 116–127

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v1i2.4437


Optical fiber at range of 90.73% RH to 99.7% RH. The result shows that different levels are not far away, sensor system to detect air humidity using polymer optical fiber (POF) Autonics FD-620-10 has been developed. The POF sensor is performed by stripping cladding of the fiber and then replace it with TiO2 -SiO2 . The stripping variations are 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm. The sensor system is composed of a red diode laser with wave length 638 nm as light source and photodiode light detector. The output from the detector will be displayed on an electronic viewer such as LCD or PC. Data processing is carried out using an ADC to get transfer function to be embedded into Arduino Uno. The obtained regression equation is y = 0.131x - 22.58 and the coefficient of determination (R2 ) is 0.984. It is mean that the optical fiber sensor has a good linearity. The accuracy of the sensor is obtained from the comparison of the humidity gauge designed with a hygrometer (an existing humidity gauge). The error were generated by the designed device was 2.78%. The error results indicate that the percentage of errors from the designed device is relatively small, so it can be concluded that the humidity sensor can respond well to the measured humidity.



Keywords: humidity, laser diode, photodiode, Plastic fiber optic, TiO2 -SiO2


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