KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Methodology of Building An Expert System Using Induction Rules with Structured Programming

Published date: Dec 27 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Programming jointly held with the International Congress on Technology Education

Pages: 235–254

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i9.3658


E F M Peñafiel -

B V Barahona

I M Camejo


This article aims to give an idea of how to develop expert systems to help society in all senses. The rules of induction used with MYCIN can help us in medicine, agricultura, and the financial system, implementing an inference engine with different rules so that in case there are no people, the expert system can diagnose in a clear and precise way, based on a knowledge base with some consequents and their corresponding antecedents, these artificial intelligence algorithms used will allow us to determine what type of consequence or conclusion it gives us, of the chaining of several antecedents with structured programming to give us its corresponding answer, then this research is aimed at obtaining an agile methodology for expert systems that will help us in the development and implementation of this type of systems.



Keywords: algorithms of artificial intelligence, knowledge base, artificial intelligence, inference machine, production rules, real-time systems, expert systems


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