KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
The Revolutions of 1989–90: Politological Analysis
Published date: Oct 08 2018
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Breakthrough directions of scientific research at MEPhI: Development prospects within the Strategic Academic Units
Pages: 464–475
Perestroika began in the USSR in June and July of 1988 on the occasion of the debate and approval of a resolution by the nineteenth party conference of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Perestroika ended with the breakup of the USSR in December of 1991. Within this period of history the fundamental revolutionary events in the European nations of the “socialist commonwealth” took place. The year of 1989 will be considered pivotal, representing the transitional stage within the dates cited. This time frame, during which the revolutionary changes were taking place in Eastern Europe, coincides precisely with the period when analogous upheavals were taking place in the Soviet Union. It is apparent that the links between the given events were of a causal nature: After becoming aware of the principles of political renewal issuing from the USSR, the countries in question were able to contemplate various ways of resolving the issue of monopolistic communistic parties. In turn many of these options were adopted in the USSR. Ultimately all members of the “socialist commonwealth” in Europe underwent a process of transformation, even including the breakup of former federative systems contained within them.
Keywords: political reforms, reciprocity, “socialist commonwealth”, politological science, institutional structures.
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