KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
PSA-stage Features of the Hybrid Membrane-sorption Oxygen Concentrator
Published date: Oct 08 2018
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Breakthrough directions of scientific research at MEPhI: Development prospects within the Strategic Academic Units
Pages: 457–463
The paper considers the principle of the organization of the hybrid membranesorption oxygen concentrator and the work of the PSA stage of the hybrid system. The use of hybrid membrane-sorption gas separation systems can significantly reduce the energy consumption of plants, as well as to neutralize such disadvantages as contamination of the product flow by the products of abrasion of sorbents, through the use of highly selective polymer membrane, and the restriction on the oxygen concentration when using a single membrane stage, through its use after the PSA stage. In this paper, we propose an arrangement for the operation of the PSA stage of a hybrid system consisting of three adsorbers and providing a constant product flow of the PSA stage necessary to ensure continuous feed flow to the membrane stage of the system. Each of the adsorbers in this system passes through three main stages: filling, displacement (adsorption), and discharge (desorption). Moreover, the filling is not from the compressor, but part of the product flow of the displaced adsorber. The results of the operation of the system organized by the proposed method are compared with the results of the operation of modern gas separation systems on the market.
Keywords: Sorption, air separation, pressure-swing adsorption, PSA, hybrid technologies, oxygen concentrator, recycling, oxygen
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