KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Assessment of Threats to the Security of the Cryptographic Authentication Mechanisms of the Monitor Devices of Vehicles

Published date: Oct 08 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Breakthrough directions of scientific research at MEPhI: Development prospects within the Strategic Academic Units

Pages: 391–401

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i6.3020


In accordance with the legislation on transport security, a number of vehicles must be equipped with on-Board control devices containing a cryptographic means of authentication, registration and storage of control data, including key information of the electronic signature. This paper presents a solution to the problem of justification of the adequacy of measures to counter known attacks and methods of discrediting the suggested cryptographic mechanisms and the corresponding protocol, drawn up in the form of a draft national standard and presented in the previous work of the authors devoted to study of its security properties. The solution presented is limited to the consideration of attacks divided into two large classes: passive and active attacks, including temporary attacks based on the study of the response time of one or more participants of the protocol. The analysis of the security threat model of the Protocol generating a common key with the authentication of subscribers intended for use in tachographs installed on vehicles shows that the protocol provides sufficient measures to counter known attacks. The found possible attacks are of a formal nature, not allowing the offender to obtain any additional information in order to discredit the protocol.


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