KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Effect of Group Delay Dispersion on Femtosecond Pulse Self-shortening in Kerr Media: Investigation of Femtosecond Pulse Self-shortening Phenomenon Based on the Transient Regime of Multiple Filamentation in Kerr Media with Different Group Delay Dispersion

Published date: Oct 08 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Breakthrough directions of scientific research at MEPhI: Development prospects within the Strategic Academic Units

Pages: 174–179

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i6.2989


We present the results of the investigation of the effect of material dispersion on a novel femtosecond pulse self-shortening mechanism based on the transient regime of multiple filamentation in samples with Kerr nonlinearity. This regime occurs at rather high B-integral values for the pulse passing through the sample, so that multiple filamentation in the trailing part causes strong on-axis intensity losses due to diffraction and refraction that allows far-field spatial filtering of the pulse front edge unaffected by the multiple filamentation. Self-shortening of a 72 fs transform-limited pulse to 23 fs, 32 fs and 30 fs was observed in a 1-mm-thick fused silica plate at intensity of 2.9 TW/cm2 , a 3-mm-thick fused silica plate at intensity of 1.1 TW/cm2 and a 5-mm-thick LiF plate at intensity of 2.1 TW/cm2 , respectively, without the use of additional dispersive elements. Experimental results obtained in this article show that the duration of self-shorted pulses increases with increasing group delay dispersion in the material.



Keywords: multiple filamentation, pulse self-shortening


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