KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Experimental Study of the Correlation Between the Level of Professional Training and the Dynamics of Changes in the Psycho-emotional and Functional State of a Person During Testing
Published date: Oct 08 2018
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Breakthrough directions of scientific research at MEPhI: Development prospects within the Strategic Academic Units
Pages: 63–73
The urgency of the objective assessment of the professional training level of hazardous objects workers is shown. The ability to act quickly and correctly in abnormal and emergency situations is highlighted as one of the important competences. An experimental study of the correlation between the level of professional training and the dynamics of changes in the functional and psycho-emotional state during testing is carried out. Remote and non-contact technologies is used to monitor the current functional and psycho-emotional state. Such technologies allow in completely passive mode to register the main bio-parameters of the test person. To visualize the current state, it is suggested to use pie charts. The carried out experimental researches have allowed to allocate the most informative factors, correlating with a level of professional training. Such factors, first of all are: the final level of mental and physical fatigue of the tested; the total amount of physical and mental forces spent on the test; the level of manifestation of the state of fright, fear and confusion when acquainted with the test task. The comprehensive consideration of the aforementioned factors will increase the objectivity of assessing the level of professional training.
Keywords: human factor, bio-parameters registration, psycho-emotional state
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