KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
High-voltage Spacecraft Power System Based on Adjustable Voltage Inverters
Published date: May 07 2018
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Russian Forum of Young Scientists (RFYS)
Pages: 210–220
The authors have proposed the solar battery mathematical model based on use of its photoelectric energy converters parameters of any unit area and its experimental current-voltage characteristics, provided by manufacturer of solar batteries. The mathematical model allows drawing current-voltage and voltage-watt characteristics depending on its operation conditions and used to calculate the solar batteries electrical characteristics regardless of the manufacturing technology and the substrate material: Si, GaAs, etc. High-voltage high-efficiency spacecraft power system based on adjustable voltage inverters has been developed. The system provides for simplification of voltage matching of solar battery, accumulator battery and load and allows adjusting solar battery voltage in a range sufficient to implement the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) mode. Calculation of the solar battery parameters ensuring the restoration of the accumulator battery capacity to the beginning of a new calculation cycle for an arbitrarily compiled load curve with allowance for the solar battery maximum open circuit voltage limitation (180 V) with a change of solar battery and load powers. The results of the development and experimental researches of the energy-converting device based on voltage inverter providing a high efficiency (not less than 96 %) are shown.
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