KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.

Rheological Characteristics of Loam Compositions with Mineral Additives of Different Genesis and Morfology

Published date: May 07 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Russian Forum of Young Scientists (RFYS)

Pages: 195–204

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i4.2242


Structural clay products manufacturing is depends on the potential of local raw materials. Shoddy silty loams are the main component of molding mixtures in view of shortage of the quality clays. Therefore, methods for determining the structural characteristics of molding compounds are becoming important. The objective of study is the influence of mineral additives different genesis and morphology at structural characteristics and molding properties of the compounds based on shoddy silty loams. Photometrical sedimentometer FSH-6K and optical microscopy method were used for the determining of granulometric compositions and morphological properties of the additives. Conical rheometer method was used for the determining plastic strength of the moulding compounds. Shear plastometer method was used to determining values of the low elastic, high elastic and plastic deformations. It had defined the optimal values of molding clay compound’s moisture in which molding compositions had being tested. Optimal values of the molding composition’s moisture in which molding compounds has not subjected to negative influences of the gravitational water are equal to 15-19%. Structural constants were calculated for molding compositions based on different kinds of additives. Values of the percent of low elastic, high elastic and plastic deformation were calculated on the grounds of rheological curves. Optimal values of composition’s structural characteristics were accepted from the condition of three types of deformations.


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