KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Use of Natural Gas in Motor Transport as a Strategic Reference Point for Improving the Environmental Situation in Cities
Published date: May 07 2018
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Russian Forum of Young Scientists (RFYS)
Pages: 111–121
The paper presents a brief analysis of the problem of environmental pollution by motor transport. Some ways of reducing the harmful effect of transport are presented. Russian legislation on the use of natural gas is analyzed. It is established that the development of the gas-engine infrastructure near major highways and cities is the most urgent issue. The criteria that must be met for the successful construction of a branched network of natural gas vehicle refueling stations are given. On the example of the Russian city of Tyumen, an experiment was conducted to account for transit traffic passing through its highways. It is concluded that improvement of the ecological situation is an important aspect of the sustainable urban development. And the actual factor that will reduce the harmful impact of transport on the environment is the use of a more environmentally friendly alternative fuel - natural gas. And to expand its use, a rational territorial and quantitative location of the natural gas vehicle refueling station network is necessary.
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