KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Radiological Problems of Tritium

Published date: Feb 21 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: XIII International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "FUTURE OF ATOMIC ENERGY - AtomFuture 2017"

Pages: 249-260

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i3.1624


In light of the session documents (UNSCEAR, 2015, 2016), presented are the results of health risk assessment in drinking water containing tritium as well as results of field observations and bioassay with algae (Lemna minor and Polyrhiza) from water bodies near radiation-dangerous industrial and scientific objects. The prospects for future studies in these areas should be associated with the assessed human radiation dose from organically bound tritium in organs and tissues of people, animals and plants; the search for plants and animals selectively accumulating tritium and its subsequent bioassay in water. It is necessary to develop the approaches to harmonization of tritium standards in water objects and potable water, in particular. Sanitary and hygiene standards are suggested to develop on the basis of health risk assessment in drinking water with tritium. The upcoming trend for assessing the contribution of organically bound tritium to the total human radiation dose is the local irradiation by tritium incorporated into DNA of cells and tissues and radiosensitive organs. The well-known and new methods of microdosimetry of DNA incorporated radionuclides are necessary to solve this problem.


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