KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.

Study of Hydrogen Generation of Aluminum-Containing Compositions with Boric Acid

Published date: Feb 21 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: XIII International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "FUTURE OF ATOMIC ENERGY - AtomFuture 2017"

Pages: 230-239

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i3.1622


The results of investigations of the kinetics of hydrogen generation compositions with aluminum, chemical activators (hydrated sodium metasilicate, oxide and calcium hydroxide) boric acid. Aluminium and its alloys used for the manufacture of protective sheaths of fuel elements and control rod protection system management, pipelines, tanks, and various support structures in the active zone of atomic reactors RBMK, research water-cooled reactors. The aluminum is protected from direct contact with water and steam surface layer of metal oxide having a high corrosion resistance at high temperatures in powerful radiation fields. However, after removal or when the discontinuity of the oxide layer of activated metal efficiently decompose water to hydrogen. It is established that the hydrogen aluminum-containing compositions is dependent on the concentration of boric acid. The discovery of the involvement of boric acid in these reactions expands the ideas about regularities of chemical processes of formation of hydrogen flowing in the water coolant of VVER reactors with the participation of the corrective additives and impurities.


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