KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.

The Construction of Floating Nuclear Power Station in Pevek as Innovation in the Electricity market

Published date: Feb 21 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: XIII International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "FUTURE OF ATOMIC ENERGY - AtomFuture 2017"

Pages: 189-200

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i3.1619


The article considers efficiency issues of the innovative project construction of floating thermal nuclear power station (FNPS) as the instrument of increasing investment attractiveness of the region. The project is aimed to ensure energy supply in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The necessity of building a FNPS is determined by the requirement to ensure the independence from transport infrastructure, logistics and pricing for the delivery of fuel. The long-term development of the district, aimed to attract prospective investors through the formation of the necessary infrastructure, enabling large companies to make the necessary investments in the cluster area. 


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