KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Redesign of North Sumatra Ornaments in the Catalog with Circular Composition
Published date: Mar 07 2024
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Jakarta International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies towards Creative Industries (JICOMS)
Pages: 643–651
North Sumatra is a region with a cultural identity in the form of ornaments depicting a cultural heritage philosophy. However, it is only placed in tourist locations and has yet to become a necessity for the people of North Sumatra. The research analyzes ornamental motifs that must be translated in the form of explanations in a catalog. This research aims to explore the motifs and ornamental patterns of North Sumatra as a first step, so that the visualization of North Sumatran motifs and ornamental patterns can strengthen the local cultural identity. The research uses qualitative methods as a space for artistic–aesthetic exploration. It presents some of the catalog’s visualizations as an answer to preserving ancestral heritage through cultural ornamental motifs. In the research process, the researcher will redesign North Sumatra Ornaments in a catalog with a circular composition, which can be processed as the primary material for a guidebook and as a reference medium to standardize the identity that has been created to maintain the consistency of the identity so that it remains well adhered and is not mistaken in its placement in various places. North Sumatra ornaments are used in supporting media in packaging, notes, business cards, stamps, catalogs, and promotional media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Banners.
Keywords: ornament, catalog, composition, circular
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