KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Supporting and Inhibiting Factors of Agricultural Extension Interpersonal Communication Competence in Enrekang Regency
Published date: Mar 07 2024
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Jakarta International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies towards Creative Industries (JICOMS)
Pages: 586–595
Agricultural extension workers play an essential role in increasing shallot yields. They provide technical counseling, transfer knowledge and skills, and are involved in post-harvest monitoring, mentoring, and counseling. In addition, they also provide information about business development and marketing. Agricultural extension interpersonal communication competence plays a crucial role in efforts to increase shallot yields in Enrekang. With these competencies, agricultural extension agents can establish good relationships with farmers, understand their needs, and communicate effectively to transfer relevant knowledge and skills. Through effective interpersonal communication, agricultural extension workers can assist farmers in implementing proper cultivation practices, overcoming obstacles, providing motivation, and building collaboration between farmers and related parties. This article uses a qualitative descriptive methodology. The result showed that the agricultural extension interpersonal communication competence is outstanding and has a positive value for farmers in Enrekang Regency. Some farmers are still reluctant and indifferent to following directions from extension agents because they consider themselves quite experienced in farming.
Keywords: agricultural extension, interpersonal communication, Enrekang
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