KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
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Pecipaw (Peci Angpaw): Adding a Wallet in Traditional Peci with Enhancement of Betawi Gigi Balang Ornament
Published date: Mar 07 2024
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Jakarta International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies towards Creative Industries (JICOMS)
Pages: 469–477
This paper sets out the additional value of peci, a hat usually worn by Muslim males in Jakarta during the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, as a symbol of Indonesian cultural identity and modesty. It is common practice for individuals to store money (angpau) in the peci for easy access, however, there is a problem with the existing traditional peci design. Money will scatter when the peci falls off, thus, compromising user comfort and safety. The peci design was explored by introducing an additional wallet feature with a zipper that allows customization and versatility. Additionally, the use of Betawi traditional ornaments further enhances the peci value, making it suitable as an iconic souvenir from Jakarta. This research applied the design thinking approach of the Hasso Platner Institute (HPI) Stanford model with five steps comprised of empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test as a problem-solving tool to provide a better understanding of the needs and perspectives of peci users. The results show that pecipaw innovation could cater to the added value of traditional peci products as an iconic souvenir of Jakarta. Further research will help to expand more explorative design and conduct user evaluation to establish objective measurements of the final prototype.
Keywords: peci, gigi balang, betawi, ornament, wallet
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