KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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The Development of Polymedia Adventure Game As a Digital Promotion Media for Campus Orientation

Published date: Mar 07 2024

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Jakarta International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies towards Creative Industries (JICOMS)

Pages: 404–413

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v6i1.15408


Yeni Polytechnic of Creative Media, South Jakarta, Indonesia

Deddy Stevano H. TobingState Polytechnic of Creative Media, South Jakarta, Indonesia

Yuyun KhairunisaState Polytechnic of Creative Media, South Jakarta, Indonesia


The increasing number of study programs is of course commensurate with the support of the facilities and infrastructure owned by the Creative Media State Polytechnic campus. These facilities were built to support both academic and non-academic activities. This research aims to develop the first 3D game as a digital promotional media orientation on the introduction of the Polimedia campus. Games are a digital medium that continues to develop, especially during the 2019 Covid pandemic. Game is a combination of multimedia and interaction that has proven successful in attracting user attention compared to other digital media. This research was developed with the following stages, namely initialization consisting of game idea research. Research on appropriate game genres, pre-production, production which consist of programming and modeling, and testing including functional testing and testing on users who have the potential to use this game for validation. Based on the data obtained, the overall value of positive perceptions is 70.68%, while negative perceptions weigh 29.32%. This percentage shows that from a user perspective, the game being developed meets user expectations and its objectives. This game is quite capable of motivating users to play and gain a learning experience, exploring campus in a fun way.

Keywords: development, game, promotion, campus, orientation


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