KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Manufacture of Eco-cleaner Based on Eco-enzyme Reinforced Catalyst as Reduction of Metals and Impurities on Roller and Blanked to Improve Offset Quality

Published date: Mar 07 2024

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Jakarta International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies towards Creative Industries (JICOMS)

Pages: 323–330

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v6i1.15391


Efrizal Siregarefrizalsiregarchems@gmail.comPoliteknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Jakarta, Indonesia

Salam Irianto NadeakPoliteknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Jakarta, Indonesia

Ika AgustinaPoliteknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Jakarta, Indonesia

Pangawet PanjaitanPoliteknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Jakarta, Indonesia


Offset printing machines play an important role in the printing process in the printing industry, so many industrial players make various efforts to maintain the quality of offset machine printouts. One of the efforts made is to keep the rollers and blankets on the offset machine clean from metal impurities that come from printing inks. To keep rollers and blankets clean, industry players usually use chemical fluids that can clean rollers and blankets on offset machines. However, the continuous use of chemical fluids can damage the rollers and blankets due to oxidation of these chemicals over time. This affects the printing results, such as the paper getting easily damaged, the blanket becoming sticky, the print being uneven, and the density becoming low. In addition, the cleaning chemicals used can cause environmental damage such as water pollution and soil pollution. This research synthesizes an eco-cleaner from an organic waste fermentation process reinforced with a catalyst that can be used as a substitute for the chemicals used today. This research aims to produce an eco-cleaner product that can reduce metal impurities on rollers and blankets to improve the printing quality of offset machines. The resulting product works effectively to remove metal impurities without damaging the rollers and blankets because the eco-cleaner is non-corrosive. The resulting products can be used by the public and the printing industry. The method used in this research is an experiment with the fermentation synthesis method. Furthermore, the eco-cleaner is tested for characterization for feasibility according to SNI standards. The tests carried out are the organic plating test, physical properties test, test and then analysis of the test results to see the feasibility of the eco-cleaner.

Keywords: eco-cleaner, roller-blanket, printing quality, offset printing


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