KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Development of Pop-up Book Illustrations as Educational Media for Child Reproductive Health

Published date: Mar 07 2024

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Jakarta International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies towards Creative Industries (JICOMS)

Pages: 231–238

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v6i1.15371


Besse Irna Negeri Media Kreatif, Srengseng Sawah Raya Street No.17 Jagakarsa, South Jakarta City 12630, Indonesia

Muliaty .Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Srengseng Sawah Raya Street No.17 Jagakarsa, South Jakarta City 12630, Indonesia

Abdul Gunaldi MuinPoliteknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Srengseng Sawah Raya Street No.17 Jagakarsa, South Jakarta City 12630, Indonesia

Siti Nur AlifaPoliteknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Srengseng Sawah Raya Street No.17 Jagakarsa, South Jakarta City 12630, Indonesia


The incidence of sexual crimes against children and the prevalence of health-risk behaviors resulting from a lack of reproductive health education media have been identified from an early age as problems that must be followed up immediately. Instilling conception from an early age in children regarding reproductive health education, which is still taboo in most Indonesian societies, is an indication of research achievements that are relevant to be applied in social sciences and humanity. This research aims to test the feasibility of the pop-up book with the title “Yours” (Reproductive Health Education Book) for the age group of children over 6 years. The research method applied in this study is the research and development (R&D) method with the 4D flow (define, design, development, and dissemination). The pop-up book product with the title Pop Up Yours is a product created by the author and has never been tested for feasibility before. The results showed that the Pop Up Book “Yours” can be a medium for reproductive health education in children with the results of testing on 30 children(n=30) aged 9 years, an increase in knowledge of 93.3% was observed. Based on the results of the feasibility test, it can be seen that the “Yours” Pop Up Book is suitable for use by groups of children over 6 years old with the important concern of using this pop-up book under parental guidance.

Keywords: pop-up book, child, reproductive health


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