KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Current Trends of Teaching Computer Programming in Undergraduate CS Programs: A Survey from Ecuadorian Universities

Published date:Jan 30 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: Simposio Iberoamericano en Programación Informática (Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Programming)


DOI: 10.18502/keg.v1i2.1499


Abstract. Computer programming has become a relevant element of the modern era. Practically it is involved in all sectors of modern society. Currently, many universities around the globe offer bachelor’s degree programs that contain computer programming related courses. In order to gain insight into how computer programming is taught in Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), we have conducted the first national survey on teaching computer programming in undergraduate CS programs. In this survey participated 53 respondents from 13 Ecuadorian HEIs. We report on programming paradigms, programming languages, integrated development environments and teaching strategies used in the programming learning process. We found that the object-oriented paradigm along with the Java programming language are the most often used. The NetBeans integrated development environment is the most commonly used among the respondents. Concerning teaching strategies, e-learning platforms are commonly used as part of computer programming courses. More than half of the respondents use collaborative strategies such as pair programming in their courses. Finally, a half of the respondents use traditional computer labs for teaching programming; however, other approaches such as mobile devices, games and simulations, Arduino kits and robots start to be used as a teaching strategy. Our findings can serve as a starting point for addressing reforms in computer programming courses taught in Ecuadorian CS undergraduate programs.


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