KnE Engineering
ISSN: 2518-6841
The latest conference proceedings on all fields of engineering.
Assessment of Content Management System Joomla y Plone for the development of dynamic web applications
Published date:Jan 30 2018
Journal Title: KnE Engineering
Issue title: Simposio Iberoamericano en Programación Informática (Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Programming)
Resumen. One of the tasks of content managers is to automatically perform the technical tasks of publishing on the web, which allows to control the content management for a website. This work is a compilation of the thesis of degree of its same name developed in the ESPOCH in him a performance analysis was implemented; comparing two prototypes one developed in PLONE and another in JOOMLA. The study establishes benefits, disadvantages and similarities between them. The method used was the scientific inductive method that was applied to obtain and measure the results of the performance variables. The result obtained in the comparative study, shows that the content manager PLONE allows to obtain a yield of 99.92% of fulfillment, in comparison with JOOMLA with a percentage of 89.09%. Therefore, the study points to PLONE as the most efficient technology.
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