KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Recuperación de Información sobre Patentes: Comparación de Recuperación de Información Web Entre Patentscope y Google Patents

Published date: Feb 11 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: 6th Engineering, Science and Technology Conference - Panama 2017 (ESTEC 2017)

Pages: 768-783

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i1.1480


Gema Railway engineering Research Group. Universidad Tecnologica de Panamá Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Aránzazu Berbey Á Railway engineering Research Group. Universidad Tecnologica de Panamá Red iberoamericana de investigación de Modelos de Optimización y Decisión y sus aplicaciones (Red iMODA) Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Humberto Railway engineering Research Group. Universidad Tecnologica de Panamá Red iberoamericana de investigación de Modelos de Optimización y Decisión y sus aplicaciones (Red iMODA) Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Isabel De La Torre Diezisator@tel.uva.esGrupo de Telemedicina y eSalud. Universidad de Valladolid (España) Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid


The goal is to present the main free and open access search engines such as PATENTSCOPE and Google Patents. It also seeks to verify the information retrieval system, which seeks to transform the user's information needs into a list or collection of documents whose content satisfies that need. We present the comparison of both verifying each one independently and then, a summary table. Finally, it is concluded that the constant search for inventions can make the difference between the positions of competences between global companies; It is for this reason that patents prove to be a source of reliable information on the subjects of interest of the people or companies. Pantestscope and Google Patents allows you to download as much data as a table for future analysis of the information.


Keywords: Information retrieval, Patents, Patentscope, Google Patents, Web

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