KnE Engineering

ISSN: 2518-6841

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Modelo de Gestión de Conocimiento para el Núcleo Universitario Santa Lucía

Published date: Feb 11 2018

Journal Title: KnE Engineering

Issue title: 6th Engineering, Science and Technology Conference - Panama 2017 (ESTEC 2017)

Pages: 192-204

DOI: 10.18502/keg.v3i1.1425


Ana Muñozanamunoz.universidad@gmail.comUniversidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida, Ejido, Mérida

Víctor Ló

Vanessa Díazvldp1988@gmail.comUniversidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida, Ejido, Mérida


The present work aims to propose a model of knowledge management for agricultural teaching based on ontologies. Through identification of the business model, business processes, intellectual capital and ontologies, the relationships between each of the parts of the model are described, and the technological elements that support it are presented. From the point of view of knowledge management and ontologies, the model that guides the innovative university is developed, where Santa Lucía Campus of the Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida (UPTM) is the case study. This model describes the elements that define the knowledge of an Agricultural Production Unit from the university, so that it can incorporate the know-how of knowledge management and collaborative learning articulated with ICT applied to educational-productive management in the agricultural sector. Ontology is used as the main mechanism to represent knowledge, defining within a context or domain the meaning of the terms and their relationships. Through the model the technological bases and knowledge necessary in the teaching of agriculture in a university nucleus are structured.

Keywords: Ontology, Knowledge Management, Agro-business, Business Model.



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